6 Tips for Eating Healthy While Traveling
For health-conscious individuals, or those of us dedicated to a training program, a fitness routine or a way of living the veggie life, taking trips might seem more detrimental to your diet than anything else. When you’re the type of person who takes pride in your meal prep Mondays and your perfectly grilled chicken breasts, the thought of disrupting that process for a business trip or a five-day Caribbean adventure might actually give you anxiety. But don’t worry! That’s why we’re here. We know that the healthy lifestyle is just that: a lifestyle. Although a five-day tropical adventure does call for some splurging and a couple of cheat meals along the way, we know that the vacation pudge stays a lot longer than we want it to. Don’t let going on a trip completely keep you from your goals of staying healthy. Here are six tips for eating healthy while you travel: 1. Pack Smart There is nothing a little pre-planning and strategic packing can’t overcome. Rather than ...